Leadership Clarity Principle 1: Follow Humbly
As we see in the biblical examples of Jesus and David, it is through the process of following that leaders learn humility. A leader’s willingness to follow humbly will ultimately establish an environment for others to flourish.
This willingness is rooted in the idea that no one has absolute authority. Whether we answer to another leader, God, or the government, every person on earth is under someone’s authority. You receive your authority to lead your team from someone, and to faithfully execute the role you’ve been entrusted with, you follow that leader. We encourage leaders to ask themselves: Is it your posture to follow those ahead of you?
When a leader has the humility of a follower, the actions and attitudes that result lead to greater levels of trust, freedom, and confidence within the organization. Credibility is established and confusion is reduced. The resulting clarity allows each party to flourish, as each member of the organization honors one another.
A leader who follows humbly can create an environment for individuals to thrive, becoming all that God created them to be. Read more about how Covenantal Culture can strengthen your organization: Log in to read our Covenantal Culture white paper.