From Vision to Execution
Your company likely has a mission statement that answers why you do what you do. It may also have a vision statement that answers what. Strategy answers how.
For business owners with a Kingdom perspective, we teach that God set the example as the greatest strategic planner. There are many examples of strategic planning in scripture:
Nehemiah & the Wall (Nehemiah 2)
Noah & the Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Joseph & Pharaoh (Genesis 41)
Jesus & the Church (The Gospels)
Joshua & the Nation of Israel (Joshua 1)
Knowing how to begin when planning strategically can be challenging. Common responses we’ve heard are that people don’t know where to start, their prior plans have not come to fruition, and they lack time to devote to the process. In our experience working with business owners, we have found that the following three steps are helpful in accomplishing a company’s vision:
- Identify Strategic Options: Brainstorm and evaluate all of the potential ideas to achieve the Company’s vision.
- Develop a Three-to-Five Year Picture: Identify your target and then choose the strategic options from step 1 prioritize. This will help create alignment in the leadership team.
- Determine Where to Begin: Develop a one-year plan, organize task forces, and identify the desired outcomes and the required tasks to execute the plan and create accountability.
To acknowledge and address these challenges, we teach that God owns the business and that we are accountable for stewarding it, so we are called to be purposeful in how we operate. To accomplish this, God gives us resources. We have access to wise counsel through the Holy Spirit and through a multitude of counselors (link once that blog is posted). Breaking the strategic planning process into sequential steps can make it more approachable.
Here are some questions to consider as you reflect on how this information applies to your business:
- Does your company have a three-to-five year strategic plan? If so, is it being executed? Does a financial plan exist to achieve its strategic goals?
- Did your leadership team have the opportunity to weigh in on the strategic plan? If so, has this brought alignment within your leadership team?
- Is your leadership team effectively executing the strategy? If so, how do you empower your leaders to make the necessary operational decisions?
- How often do you revisit your strategic plan?
Understanding strategic planning and evaluating your business are the first steps. Developing and implementing an actionable plan that pursues this objective and brings the benefits follows.
Would you like personalized guidance as you think through creating a strategic plan for your business? Blue Trust’s Business Consulting division leverages biblical wisdom and practical expertise to advise business owners as they seek to faithfully steward the companies with which they have been entrusted. To learn more visit our website.