Whether you work inside or outside the home, we recommend married couples manage their finances together. As the book of Genesis tells us, marriage joins two into one flesh. As individuals you bring different backgrounds, goals, and ideals to your marriage—especially regarding finances. It is important to recognize and discuss your individual temperaments and feelings about money so that you can align expectations and unite to determine the financial strategies and goals of your family.
Depending on whether you are newlyweds, raising a family, or nearing retirement, our advisors can provide wisdom and practical advice for each stage of life. Perhaps you are looking to purchase a home, reduce debt, save for education, give more to charity, or prepare for retirement. We meet you where you are and strive to help you meet your goals. We find it beneficial and encourage both spouses to attend financial meetings so that everyone can learn the same information, speak into the family’s goals, and collaborate on the decisions that are made.