The ABCDE’s of Team Behavior: Aim for Results
We believe there are five actions, in alignment with the fruit of the Spirit, that can support relational clarity. This clarity exists when employees exhibit the ABCDE’s of team behavior.
A: Aim for Results
Aiming for results means that the individuals on a team clearly know, and agree on, what they are aiming for, discuss the specific activities that will be predictive of the desired results, and hold one another accountable. While relationships are important in and of themselves, an organization must take a purposeful approach to achieve results that create value. Aiming for results involves continuously reinforcing the idea that individuals within an organization have been brought together for a collective reason: the pursuit of a common goal.
The book of Proverbs speaks to some of the behavioral characteristics that lead to results. For instance, Proverbs 14:23 says, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” (NIV). Using the fruit of the Spirit as the foundation, teams that agree to remain faithful to the results, patiently endure through the process, and resolve to exhibit strength of spirit, are more likely to achieve their collective goals.
To read more about relational clarity and how it can strengthen your organization, and for more verses from Proverbs addressing behavioral characteristics, log in to read our Covenantal Culture white paper.