Finish Line Calculator
Important Notice
The reports contained herein, and any subsequent revisions and updates, are provided for informational purposes only.
Financial statements, illustrations and graphs are based upon financial data provided to Blue Trust with the client’s assistance and authorization. Client financial goals are provided by the client and there can be no guarantee that current or future financial and economic conditions will allow for the client goals to be realized. The client is responsible to furnish complete and accurate information to assist in the preparation of these reports and to update Blue Trust with any material changes.
This report is not a compilation, review or audit and we express no form of assurance as to accuracy or attainability of projections. It may be incomplete, assume future outcomes, contain estimates, or depart in other ways from generally accepted accounting principles. Its use should be limited to those persons for whom it was prepared and it should not be used to obtain credit or for purposes other than developing a financial plan.
Many portions of this report are projections of possible future values based on a large number of unpredictable variables including economic, financial and market factors. Since these assumptions may, or may not, accurately represent future reality, projections are intended for use as a planning tool to examine possible, but uncertain future outcomes. They are neither a prediction of future circumstances nor a guarantee of actual financial results.
Nothing contained in these reports, in follow up correspondence, or in discussions between Blue Trust and the client should be regarded as a substitute for professional legal or tax advice.
Where is Your Finish Line?
Assuming you live until age: | |
Your current distance from your finish line is:
(A positive number means you have exceeded your finish line! A negative number means you’re not quite there yet.) |
To reach your finish line, your current annual savings until retiring at should be: |
What is Your Stopping Point?
"Stopping Point" - The dollar amount at which you become financially independent
"Financial Independence" - Having enough investable assets to maintain your lifestyle for the remainder of your life
Your Current Age is | ||
Your Retirement Age is | ||
Assuming you live until age | ||
Your Current Annual Savings Rate is | ||
Your Projected Annual Social Security, Pension, or Other Retirement Income is | ||
Annual Inflation is | % | |
Your Compound Annual Rate of Return is | % |
Then, The Value of Your Investable Assets Would Be:
At Age | At Age | At Age | |
Current Portfolio Assets |
And, Your Stopping Point is:
If, Your Total Current Annual Expenses Are: |
At Age | At Age | At Age |